
A gift for the Cubs fan who’s dying to show their loyalty… or just dying

July 27, 2009 by  

The argument has been made that Cubs fans aren't really that dedicated, that they're mostly a bunch of yuppies who turn Wrigley Field into the world's largest outdoor saloon, and that they couldn't tell you the right fielder's name or what the score is. But when you want to get buried in a Cubs-themed casket or have your ashes placed in a Cubs urn, that's saying something.

I was picking my daughter up from camp the other day on the North Side of Chicago when I saw this about a mile from Wrigley.
Yes, that's the Cubs logo on the inside of a casket, and in the corner of the window is a placard advertising a Cubs urn for your ashes. To be fair, they also had a placard for the White Sox. Here's a closer ...

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