
Aramis Ramirez: Getting a Grip…Literally!

June 20, 2010 by  

Later this week we will hopefully see the return of Aramis Ramirez. It's been a rough year for fantasy owners, having to either drop the All-Star third baseman or painfully hold on and possibly waste a DL spot. Somehow I've ended up with Aramis two years in a row and I literally punch a wall overtime I see an article about how his poor thumb hurts him.

Get a freaking Band-Aid!


Numbers don't lie. Sports is analytical and looking at career numbers can tell you a lot. Aramis' career average is 83 runs, 30 homers, 108 RBI's, and a .282 average. These numbers aren't inflated either—this isn't a guy who who hits 50 homers one year and then 20 the next. From 2001-2008, Rami...

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