
Can The Cubs Win a World Series in the Next Ten Years?

June 26, 2010 by  

The 2010 season has been a disaster for the Chicago Cubs so far.  They are eight games back from first place, and only have a 3.2 percent chance of making the playoffs at the moment.  Unless Lee, Ramirez, Zambrano, and Dempster can get their confidence back, I don't think the Cubs can make it.  

Putting this season aside, the Cubs' future is looking pretty swell.  I'd say that they have about seven prospects who will help in the immediate future, including Starlin Castro and Andrew Cashner.

This is the best core of prospects the Cubs have had in years.  But they will be slow to bring them up with history of bad luck with recent top prospects.

Corey Patterson, Hee-Seop Choi, and Felix Pie...

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