Chicago Cubs: Curse of the Gatorade Dispenser?
July 8, 2009 by Majesh Abraham
Fans of any other team would have surely have blown a gasket, be stunned in utter disbelief or curse their luck if they had heard that one of their best pitchers fractured his toe jumping over the dugout railing while celebrating a victory.
But I didn't even flinch. No double take, no ghastly expression of shock, no emotion whatsoever.
Why the utter disregard, you ask?
Well, as a longtime Cubs fan, you get used to these kind of things. It's hard to explain. This state is only something you acquire through years of following the Cubs every day.
Cubs fans don't share the woe-is-me/fear the worst mentality that pre-2004 Red Sox fans did. That's why they were so angry back then and we're considered the lovable los...
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