
Come To Think of It: My Interview with “Mr. Cub,” Ernie Banks

September 30, 2009 by  

As a lifelong Cubs fan, Ernie Banks, aka “Mr. Cub,” was one of my heroes growing up. So you can imagine the thrill I experienced when I was given the opportunity to interview the greatest Cub of all time.

For those of you who have been living under a rock, Ernie Banks is a Hall of Fame shortstop and first baseman who started his major league career with the Cubs in 1953. How great was Mr. Cub? Consider this: In 1958 and '59, Ernie won consecutive National League MVP awards despite playing for teams that finished in last place.

I remember watching WGN TV on the day that Ernie hit his 500th career home run. I can close my eyes and recall Jack Brickhouse shouting, “Ja...

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