Exclusive. Jim Hendry/Soriano Contract Negotiations Revealed (Humor)
August 23, 2009 by David Wyatt
I have moments ago been handed a video recording from within Jim Hendry's office for that day in 2007 where Soriano was handed his Chicago Cubs contract.
Due to a confidentiality agreement that I was forced to sign, I can not reveal to you who handed me this video recording. However with talk of the new ownership and possibly Jim Hendry on his way out, i will say his first name rhymed with bomb, second with picketts.
That's all I'm saying, a man of honor will never break a confidentiality agreement
* Soriano walks into Hendry's office, adorned in Washington Nationals memorabilia*
Hendry: Sori my man take a seat, how you doing, you doing good, you feeling good?
Soriano: Legs are a little tight Jim, I go...
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