
MLB Hall of Fame Induction: Andre Dawson a “Natural” Hall of Famer

July 23, 2010 by  

In a lot of ways, it has always been about the numbers in baseball. Fans, writers, and historians have long focused on the precious statistics in baseball, and there have been specific "standards" by which players are considered Hall of Fame material.

Well, all that's a thing of the past, for now the numbers have been deflated by steroid-cheating needle pushers like Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro and especially Barry Bonds, who has obliterated the most precious of all records with his insidious ways.

Meanwhile, people can debate the merits of one Andre Nolan Dawson until they're blue in the face and it won't matter. The man's a Hall of Famer now, and he's worthy.

Look, he produced honest stats. He wasn't ...

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