
Out of Season: A brief article leading up to the 2007 Chicago Cubs

November 17, 2009 by  

I'm not a fan of the Resident Evil series, nor of very many RPG's. But, as I thought about my many years as a Cubs fan, I compare it to a meeting with Dr. Salvador.

For the uninitiated, or the few people who pretend they don't care, Dr. Salvador is the giant guy with the chainsaw in Resident Evil Four.

Among other things he can do besides cut your head off, he can teleport to the top of a ladder you're climbing and cut your head off, he can teleport ahead of you and cut your head off, he can break down the door of a room you're in and cut your head off-notice a pattern?

Being a Cubs fan is like being on the business end of that chainsaw.

Pre-1950, the last C...

Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - Chicago Cubs
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