Ron Santo Passes Away at 70: Fond Memories and the Hall Of Fame Injustice
December 3, 2010 by Darrell Horwitz
I awoke early this morning and turned on the radio and heard them talking about Ron Santo. I wondered why, and then it hit me, "Oh my God, he must have died."
He died from complications of bladder cancer. He went through so much fighting his life-long battle with diabetes and the other maladies it brought on and finally succumbed early this morning. He was 70 years old.
Let's take a trip back to happier times. I was a youngster growing up a Cub fan and enjoying the magical 1969 season. I remember Ronnie clicking his heels after every Cub victory that year as he ran to the clubhouse in the left field corner.
I looked forward to ...
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