
UMPS CARE Presents the Seldom-Seen Charitable Side of MLB Umpires

March 13, 2010 by  

The prevailing wisdom in Major League Baseball is that umpires are best when they are relatively anonymous. The thinking goes that the more transparent he is in a ballgame, especially the home plate umpire, the better he's doing his job.

Well, they seem to take a similar philosophy to life itself.

How many times have you heard about an umpire doing charitable work in the community? Sure, you hear it when an ump blows a call, but the good work many of these men often gets overlooked.

Well, I hope to dispel the notion that umpires simply put in their hour and a half of game time and nothing else. For the more one knows about UMPS CARE, the more genuinely impressed one is with how these guys truly care about the communi...

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